Chistaya Liniya
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Shampoo Chistaya Liniya Silky Shine clover, 400ml
Shampoo Chistaya Liniya Silky Shine clover is an excellent hair care product designed to give hair a healthy look and silky shine. The formula of this shampoo is based on natural ingredients, particularly clover, which stands out for its strengthening and nourishing properties. Clover is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and other useful substances that stimulate hair growth, restore damaged hair and prevent hair loss. In addition, clover helps regulate the oiliness of the hair and maintain the health of the scalp. The foaming formula of the shampoo gently cleanses the hair, removing dirt and excess oiliness. At the same time, the shampoo nourishes and softens the hair, making it easier to comb and manage. With regular use, the shampoo contributes to hair strength, elasticity and healthy shine. One 400 ml bottle will last long enough, which makes the shampoo economical. The shampoo has a pleasant, light scent that stays on the hair for a long time. It is also suitable for all hair types and can be used in a daily care regimen.
Shampoo Chistaya Liniya 2in1 Hops and Burdock oil
Шампунь Чистая линия 2в1 Хмель и Репейное маслопредставляет собой комплексное решение по уходу за волосами и кожей головы. Этот продукт сочетает в себе свойства шампуня и бальзама в одном продукте, который подходит для ежедневного использования. Хмель, входящий в состав шампуня, известен своими полезными свойствами для волос. Он помогает укрепить корни волос, способствует их росту и придает блеск. Касторовое масло, в свою очередь, питает и увлажняет волосы и кожу головы, способствует восстановлению поврежденных волос. Этот продукт 2-в-1 эффективно очищает волосы и кожу головы, удаляя грязь и излишки масла. В то же время смягчает и разглаживает волосы, облегчая их расчесывание. Бренд «Чистая Овиния» известен тем, что использует натуральные ингредиенты, а этот шампунь не содержит агрессивных химикатов. Он подходит для разных типов волос и может использоваться каждый день. При регулярном использовании этот шампунь помогает улучшить общее состояние волос, делая их более сильными, блестящими и здоровыми. Это также помогает сбалансировать кожу головы, предотвращая сухость и зуд.
Hand cream "Чистая линия "
The problems of dry and rough skin of the hands will be solved by Intensive moisturizing Aloe Juice cream from the Clean Line brand. The product contains 97% of the components of natural origin.
Hand cream "Чистая линия "
Its formula consists of 97% natural ingredients that have passed strict laboratory control. Sea buckthorn oil enriches the skin with vitamins and helps to restore it, and the phytomasel complex provides deep nutrition and hydration. Due to its ultra-saturated texture, the cream is suitable even for rough skin.
Hand cream "Чистая линия "
The hand cream contains natural raw materials-phytopanthenol of high concentration – 10%, consisting of panthenol and decoction of herbs, they are rich in vitamin B5. With regular use, the skin will become soft and tender:
Shampoo Chistaya Liniya chamomile + burdock oil
Shampoo Chistaya Liniya chamomile + burdock oil is an excellent hair care product. The shampoo cleanses the hair and scalp, removing dirt, oil and unwanted deposits. Chamomile is known for its nourishing and strengthening properties, while burdock oil enriches hair with moisture and shine. The combination of these natural ingredients promotes healthy hair growth and helps repair damaged hair. Чистая линия shampoo has a pleasant and light fragrance that stays on the hair for a long time. It is suitable for all hair types and can be used regularly to give the hair the care it needs. Unlike some other shampoos, this shampoo does not contain harsh chemicals and is safe for long-term use. Chamomile and burdock oil shampoo is a natural, nourishing and effective way to have beautiful and healthy hair. It will help you maintain the attractiveness and strength of your hair while providing the necessary care.